New Adventure … we have moved

New Adventures for Core Wisdom

We have moved  …. A new location with new potential

Home circle of friends

Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes we wonder if we are on track.   My own personal history has taught me that some of the most challenging of times have resulted in great growth and a sense of empowerment.  So from that point of view, I now embrace those shaky and uncertain times with an element of excitement and wonder of what is next in store.

In recent times, life has opened up some new opportunities and while I have felt a little nervous to take the plunge, I’m certainly happy that I did.  Core Wisdom is now located with the team at the Ashburton Health Hub in the heart of Ashburton.

Thank you Universe!  I now have my own space within walking distance from my home.  I am able to see clients 6 days a week from 9.30am, with evening appointments also available.  This is an exciting milestone for the business.

My amazing family helped me move in last weekend and then during the week, one of my beautiful clients (who is a fantastic interior decorator) gave me suggestions for fine-tuning the healing space.  I’m feeling truly blessed!

Over the coming months I will share with you some insights on activating your personal healing both emotionally and physically, along with other cool things, plus news of what events are coming up.

Feel free to jump off the list if you wish to, but I hope you stay on board and be part of this new chapter for Core Wisdom.

Love and Wisdom